
Hi there, you’re probably reading this to find out more about Maktaba Books’s transition to Telegram.

So yes, we are moving the borrowing process to Telegram. Only the borrowing process - from choosing the book you would like to borrow to communicating with each other to pass the book(s).

The purpose it to have the capacity to have more book borrowing to take place while not overworking our volunteer team.

How it works

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What book owners need to do

  1. Add the Maktaba Books bot on telegram (click here to add:
  2. Communicate with borrower to decide on how to pass the book
  3. Let us know if the book has been returned by filling up a form sent by the bot
  4. Let us know of any unacceptable behaviour or problems that you are facing

If you have any questions, please message us on Instagram or ask our onboarding rep (Azrin on Telegram).